At the peak of morality, a society bursting with characters unperturbed by the impact of horror and violence; choosing to record the panic within a community rather than sacrifice materials and wants. Pushing boundaries in the name of humor and five second thrills. This has, with heavy hearted irony, made you softer, in a sense. Creating your own fictional tortures, haunted by demons of your own making, just to please yourself and satisfy a craving for personal punishments; so that you too can say “I’ve been there”- wherever ‘there’ may be. Gifting yourself with the privilege to have been in the belly of the beast; whatever size, shape, colour or texture its scales may have been. Is this truly what it means to be human now?
House Of Vice will introduce you to the type of people who have long passed these modernised definitions of Humanity and ventured into darker territories; creating horror for the sake of their own twisted fantasy- fate had nothing to do with it; they are the reason why bad things happen around them.
Not one of them would truly give a crap about you, but you’ll find yourselves picking favourites and being the cheerleader for one or two of these bastards. House Of Vice is an original perspective on the seven deadly sins.
An idea by Robyn Elizabeth.